Talking circle creates safe place for youth advocates

CLICK Here To WATCH & Learn: UNITY not only strives to Inspire Hope in Native youth, but their advisors, mentors and support staff as well. The national UNITY network is connected by the community members on the ground who have the shared mission to uplift Native youth in their corners of Indian Country. To kick-off  UNITY’s newest Fall webinar series, Dr. Pearl Yellowman facilitated a guided conversation on how UNITY can continue to support Native youth advocates virtually.

As participant Brian Barlow, Cherokee, expressed how comforting it was to “have shared space with others who understand what we are going through.” Advisors shared challenges, tools and strengths in their first session. To view the first recorded session click here and use Passcode: 243409. The UNITY Advisors challenged each other to practice Self Care this week. To better serve others, we must be able to replenish our energy and spirit to continue with perseverance. Take a photo of you practicing self-care and post a photo to social media using #UNITYAdvisorsRock to encourage other youth advocates.

The eight-week webinar series will be sponsored in part by Comcast NBCUniversal and Nike N7. A November webinar will be sponsored by Nike N7 as part of their commitment to National Native American Heritage Month. The remaining webinars will take place on Tuesdays (youth-focused topics) at 1 p.m. PST or 3 p.m. PST, and Thursdays (adult-focused topics) at 12 p.m. PST, and will be conducted via Zoom or Instagram. Click below to Register for the upcoming online learning opportunities.

For more information on this Fall webinar series and the Youth track registration links visit:

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