Seminole Tribal Fair and Pow Wow 2020

UNITY Peer Guide and current reigning 2019-2020 Miss Indian World Cheyenne Kippenberger was honored and recognized during the final Grand Entry of the 2020 Seminole Tribe of Florida Pow Wow.

The annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Fair and Pow Wow is held every February, and this year featured it’s new Hard Rock Guitar Hotel expansion. The event also highlights  alligator wrestling, wildlife shows, drumming competition and exhibition dancing will also be performed throughout the weekend.

The 2020 Seminole Pow Wow was extra special for various reasons, as it also highlighted the outgoing Special contest sponsored by the 2019-2020 Miss Indian World Cheyenne Kippenberger and family. The “Sweetheart Special” brought couples out from various parts of the United States. A Facebook LIVE video may be found on UNITY’s Facebook page: United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. 
We congratulate Cheyenne for a successful reign! We also wish her the best as she will continue the reign as the 2020-2021 Miss Indian World! 

She is truly a beautiful representation of Indian Country.

As a UNITY Peer Guide, Cheyenne holds an youth advisory role for the Healing Indigenous Lives Initiative, made possible by a cooperative agreement (2018-TY-FX-K002) between UNITY, Inc. and the US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. UNITY, with its trainers, youth guides, and mentors will offer regional trauma-informed youth leadership development trainings over the next two-years. These peer led asset mapping, youth advocacy and movement building workshops will collect Native youth feedback, from those who have been impacted by trauma and the Juvenile Justice system.

For More Information, or to request a Peer Guide participate in a regional youth training, contact Program Manager LorenAshley Buford at, or Call UNITY National Headquarters: 480-718-9793

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