UNITY Peer Guides featured in National Virtual Native Youth Healing Gathering

The NCUIH Youth Advisory Council , in partnership with the United National Indian Tribal Youth Inc. offered resources and tools for Native youth across Indian Country during a National Virtual Native Youth Healing Gathering. The UNITY Peer Guides were featured as guest presenters to share the Healing Indigenous Lives Initiative and ways they are finding healing through using “Culture As Prevention”.

The purpose of this Native virtual youth healing gathering was to support AI/AN youth during these challenging times of social distancing by empowering Native youth to amplify their voices, share stories of healing, learn to build resiliency, build healthy relationships, maintaining wellness and raise awareness of the Youth Council’s upcoming Indigi-Wellness Healer campaign. 

Who: All AI/AN youth and allies across Indian Country.
What: Native Youth Healing Gathering for AI/AN youth led by NCUIH Youth Council.
Why: To support AI/AN youth during these challenging times of social distancing by empowering Native youth to amplify your voices, sharing stories of healing, learning to build resiliency, build healthy relationships, maintaining wellness, and raise awareness of the Youth Council’s upcoming Indigi-Wellness Healer campaign.

Past NCUIH  Youth Advisory Council Projects

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