Engaging Native Nations

During the month of February, the National UNITY Council’s Northwest Regional Representative and Executive Committee Secretary Jonathan Arakawa attended the following events:

  • Weekly UNITY Production Meetings with EC members and UNITY staff to plan upcoming Conferences
  • 2022 NCAI State of Indian Nations Address with members of the Biden Administration and Congress
  • 2022 NCAI Executive Council Winter Session with Tribal Leaders, tribal youth, etc.
  • 2022 NCAI Youth Commission Native Youth Leadership Summit ”

    As Represenative Moore shared during the State of Indian Nations Address, our inherant “sovereignty is a non-partisan issue.” We are charting the course for Native youth to have a direct link to tribal leaders. “Suicide amongst Native youth is an epidemic. Native youth made huge strides during the NCAI Convention to move the UNITY I Will Live Initiative through the NCAI Resolution Process” shared Jonathan. “It comes back to tribal leaders sitting with native youth as it relates Native youth suicide. Not only tribal youth, but members of the Administration and members of Congress.”

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